Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Addison loves spaghetti

Now that Addison has some chompers we are slowly introducing foods cut into small pieces and not so smooshed. She loves being able to eat what we are eating and lets us know when she wants a bite. Enjoy her beautiful, messy face!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beautiful Days

When we have beautiful weather we do our best to make sure we play outside and enjoy it as much as possible. Last week we had a couple of days which made it hard to stay at work so we decided to leave early and go to the park. Jack met us there and we played on the swings, and ran around. Addison is learning to enjoy sand. It's always funny to watch kids touch sand for the first couple of times, they have no idea what is going on or what is sticking on them.
We also visited my grandparents. We hadn't seen them in awhile and the kids love seeing them. Jack loves looking for wizards (lizards) and now that he knows their favorite sunbathing spots he is sure to find one. His legs are finally long enough to reach the peddles on his tricycle so now he races through the backyard bumping into everything. Since Addison is walking everywhere she likes to explore the grass and plants and follow her brother everywhere. We just have to make sure that she doesn't get plowed over by her brother.
Addison is starting to become quite the princess. Her little redheaded temper is coming through. She definitely lets you know when she wants something! She starts arching her back if she wants down, screeching if she wants something that you have, cries when you take something away from her and throws mini tantrums by bouncing up and down and throwing her arms in the air. I have to say it is cute for now and it makes me laugh, but I know it wont be for long.
Enjoy some of our latest pictures.


Every day Jack blows me away with his expanding vocabulary and creative sentences. I love it when I ask him if something is yummy and he tells me, "No mommy, it's delicious!"
The other day in the car we were taking Addison to my moms and then going to school. We were just driving along and from the backseat he tells me, "Mommy slow down, you are making me sick!" For the record son, I was not going fast.
If you have driven with me you know that I yell at everybody on the road. I yelled at someone who cut me off and Jack says, " Whats wrong mommy, did the man crash into you?" You would think I get into a lot of accidents with that question.
We say, "Oh sugar," instead of "Oh sh*t! or "oh crap" because someone started repeating them at the most perfect time. I saw that there was a lot of traffic on the freeway one morning and said "oh sugar" and in the backseat, shaking his head Jack says, "Oh crap, mommy and daddy can only say oh crap."
There are so many more, I wish I could remember them all. Whenever I think of them they make me smile.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We are walking!!!

Addison decided that since she was going to be turning 10 months that it was time to walk. Yesterday when I picked her up she started walking and didn't stop all night, she even skipped her afternoon nap. I think it was because she was so excited to walk. Jack did the same thing when he first started walking. Her record had been five steps, but now she is mooooovinnnn, we knew it was only a matter of time.

We have all finally recovered from getting the worst stomach flu. It started with Jack waking us up at 3am on my birthday getting sick every half hour. Then 2 days later it got me. I made it through the day at school and was on my death bed for two days. Then 2 days later when I finally was feeling better Jack got it. Thankfully Addison didn't get it. It was bad enough seeing Jack terrified of what was going on, all he could say was, "I spit up" in the most pitiful little voice.

We were barely better in time to make it out to Arizona for Casey and Steve's wedding. It was amazing, everything was beautiful and we were able to see so many friends that we hadn't seen in over a year. Jack and I had a great night without kids for a couple hours. They were all nice enough to take a 2 hour nap before the wedding so I was able to get ready, with no distractions. I can't remember the last time that that happened. The kids were with babysitters at the hotel so we were able to spy on them whenever we wanted. I think I sent Jack to go listen at the door 3 or 4 times. So I am a little compulsive and maybe a little overprotective of my kids. When I get some pictures of us I will post them. I was impressed with how well we cleaned up, it doesn't happen often.

Here are a couple of our latest of Addie. She finally fell asleep in her high chair. When Jack was a baby he would always pass out after eating and she hadn't yet, so when it happened I had to document it of course! Then we were at a friends house and Addison wanted to be outside with Jack, but it was too cold so I made her stay inside. You can see her two teeth that she has. She was having a blast banging on the door. And then a couple of bath time. They loooove baths!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My baby girl is 9 months!

Addison turned 9 months on Saturday and everyday since then she has showed us what a big girl she is. She took her first two steps on Sunday and her second tooth came in on Monday. I am excited that she reached that big milestone of starting to walk, but that just means now I can have two kids on the move and possibly going in separate directions. Who do I go after first? The idea just scares me. I don't know where this extra energy is going to come from.
It is so much fun watching the kids start to play with each other more and more. Jack asks me every day if Addie is going to play with him when we get home. She has always thought that he is the funniest and laughs at whatever he does, promoting him to do it again. Last night we were reading stories in bed and he started to hide under the covers. She figured out that if she lifted up the covers she would see him. He would laugh, she would laugh and then she would do it again. It was bed time, but I couldn't stop the fun they were having. Jack and I watched them and couldn't believe the interaction that is growing between them.

Enjoy the pictures of her, look how big she is!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend fun!

Despite everyone being sick all week and this weekend we still tried to squeeze in some fun. Kids can only be stuck inside for so long, and moms too. Since the weather was beautiful we spent some time outside and rode on Thomas. Jack got a Thomas train for Christmas that he loves to ride on. It works for some pretty good bribery too. We even let Addie have a ride too. Jack loved that she was on there with him. I'm not sure how long that is going to last for.

Addie had her 9 month check up earlier in the week. I can't believe she is already nine months! My baby girl.I guess it is time to start planning the big b-day party. She is growing like she should and at the top of the charts. She is almost 19 pounds (You should see my toned arms to prove it) at 68% and 75% in her height. She definitely is not taking after her brothers petite frame. She is only 9 pounds away from him.

Enjoy the pics!

The Rader Fam

P.S. This is the second post in one month!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's been a looooong time!

So ever since I went back to work things have been crazy! Crazy would not even begin to explain it. I'm finally getting used to this whole working full time and being a mom.
Jack is doing great in school, he has adapted so well. At least that's what his teachers say. We have parent teacher conferences next week so I am excited to see how they think he is doing. I can see such a big difference in him. He surprises me every day with the things he is picking up. Some times he is too smart for his own good. Poor guy is catching every virus that comes into his classroom. At the moment we are fighting a fever. It has only been 10 days since his last. I wish I could follow him all day with hand sanitizer. He had his first performance at school for the holidays and looked so cute with his elf hat on. He isn't much of a performer yet. He didn't sing, cried a little bit and crawled into my lap after the third song. He'll get there one day if he is anything like his father.
Addison is almost nine months now. I know can you believe it? She has grown up so much. She got her first tooth just before Christmas, and has been crawling since Thanksgiving. She has gotten the crawling down and is all over the place. It is a matter of days till she is taking her first steps. Addie is such a happy girl and she loves to smile. She scrunches up her nose and shows her little tooth. By far the cutest thing. She claps at herself all day long and loves music. She will be sitting and playing and as soon as she hears some music she starts bouncing.
Addison and Jack are starting to play with one another more and more. Jack is so sweet at times and loves it when she follows him. He will call her and say, "Addie, follow me, follow me Addie." He loves playing with her toys, but she is not allowed to play with his toys. This is something that we are currently working on and I am sure we will be working on for a while. When she cries in the car he will sing to her until she stops. He loves that he can make her happy and laugh. She seems to think that he is the funniest guy in the world. I am just enjoying it now, because I know this wont last forever.
The Jacks have been baking a lot together. Blueberry muffins are their specialty at the moment. We have realized that if he makes it, he is more likely to eat it so we are trying to get him to help out in the kitchen more. He can be so picky at times, everything is, "I don't like it!"
The holiday's were a lot of fun this year. Jack really got into Santa and was so happy when he left him presents. He had a blast choosing the cookies to leave out for Santa and he helped pour his milk too. He couldn't believe what a mess Santa made, "Too much crumbs!" He also asked every night for the next week if Santa was coming and bringing presents. He helped everyone open their presents and was always looking for the next one to open.
Our weather has been amazing, amazing for January. We have been spending a lot of time outside walking at the bay and playing at the park. Jack loves to dig in the sand and Addie loves the swings. Jack is a fan of the swings too, he wants to go "so high."
Well I am going to do my best to update this blog a lot more then I did last year. There is so much to share with the kids. We wish everyone a Happy New Year and all the best in 2011! We are so happy to see 2011.
Enjoy some of our latest pictures.
The Rader Family