Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beautiful Days

When we have beautiful weather we do our best to make sure we play outside and enjoy it as much as possible. Last week we had a couple of days which made it hard to stay at work so we decided to leave early and go to the park. Jack met us there and we played on the swings, and ran around. Addison is learning to enjoy sand. It's always funny to watch kids touch sand for the first couple of times, they have no idea what is going on or what is sticking on them.
We also visited my grandparents. We hadn't seen them in awhile and the kids love seeing them. Jack loves looking for wizards (lizards) and now that he knows their favorite sunbathing spots he is sure to find one. His legs are finally long enough to reach the peddles on his tricycle so now he races through the backyard bumping into everything. Since Addison is walking everywhere she likes to explore the grass and plants and follow her brother everywhere. We just have to make sure that she doesn't get plowed over by her brother.
Addison is starting to become quite the princess. Her little redheaded temper is coming through. She definitely lets you know when she wants something! She starts arching her back if she wants down, screeching if she wants something that you have, cries when you take something away from her and throws mini tantrums by bouncing up and down and throwing her arms in the air. I have to say it is cute for now and it makes me laugh, but I know it wont be for long.
Enjoy some of our latest pictures.

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